Friday, October 17, 2008


When i had a break up all i used to do is, to think how can i be creative instead of cribbing and crying about the breakup! So i decided to put all the frustrations and depressions on a piece of paper . the following are the result of Creative Writings;)
1) Life
Life is not a season of spring or summer
life is neither heaven or hell
not a puzzle or sundry sadness
life is LIVING and to live is LIFE.
Life is short but long enough to live,
to enjoy the beauty of nature,
to smell the wet land...
Life is mist,like an air.
Like a wind,which comes a strom and melts like an ice..
Life is full of hopes and dreams!

The second one turns to be too depressive...
2) Breaking Up...
There is a beautiful soul inside you
which keeps you gentle and warm..
There is wisdom inside you
which makes you grow,
But there is no ME who would wake you up with a gentle kiss.

There is nothing between us
but turn back and say 'good bye'.
All we can carry with us are sweet memories of lost love.

Saying good bye to you is not easy
breaking up with you is feeling of betrayal...
it aches my bone, my soul...
the pain is all over my body and mind.
its the cronic pain that would never go away.....
Good bye soulmate..!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love is a daylight that opens you up with every passing second... Its more like the freshness of dewdrops... the fragrance of morning mist... Always brings you closer to your own self...

We get so busy loving the other person that we forget ourselves... When we realize this, we want to care for ourselves....does that initiate break-up? (*P -> ThoughtProcess)