Thursday, October 23, 2008

Love Actually......(For all those people who are confused about " Love" ;))

Love is a feeling. It’s a feeling of trust, comfort, caring etc.These days falling in Love and fall out of Love has become a fashion. People fall in love and get married before they know what love is and then realise there is no chemistry, no love:P the only option they are left is to fall out of love, after all this they try to be reasonable for all the episodes and name it as “fundamental differences”. On this note, People, before it’s too late... wake up and smell the coffee!!
1) Love is not manipulative: we all try to manipulate people in some way or the other but love is not the weapon to use against!
Rule No 1: Never use “if you love me, you will do this for me “tactics.
2) Love does not hurt.
Rule No 2: Say NO to physical and mental abuses.
3) Love is all about caring!!
Rule No 3: Respect others feelings. Care for each other.
4) Love is not compromising your values. Even though big part of love is putting others happiness ahead of yours.
Rule No 4: Be true to yourself.
5) Love is not always what other person wants you to be...even though it’s all about sacrificing!
Rule No 5: Never scarifies part of YOU.
6) Love is not sex and sex is not Love..
Rule No 6: Never get confused Lust Vs Love.
7) Love Should make you feel happy, secure and appreciated
Rule No 7: Have faith in yourself...

Too many reasons and rules isn’t it? People, even after understanding all these things Love can fade. And often it does! When it fades there is not always a reason for it. So last rule should be DO NOT LET IT REFLECT UPON YOUR VALUES and YOU as a PERSON.


Mohit said...

Is it ever really that simple.....just 7 rules and thats it? Life doesn't run on rules thats the unpredictable part of it or atleast thats what i think.

Smits said...

I am not talkin about how simple it can be... its jus a caution. for better understandin and makin life simpler!!!;)

Unknown said...

hey Sweet heart u have really made Life simple in this but thts true life does not run on Rules, lemme knw do u always follow rules in ur life..........

Smits said...
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Unknown said...

hmm yes i did well how can be u such a good writer

Smits said...

Hey iam not talkin about followin da rules...its just a food for thought! hope u understand wht tht means;)

Vinay bhat said...

If you think about it.. rule does not really matter when you are really in love. Those set of rules are for somebody who sees it from outside.

shastri007 said...

I don't agree with you. Without compromising its not possible to live. I don't say it should come from a particular sex; but it has to come.
Following no compromise rule will drag to Western culture 'F.. & Forget'.

So their has to be a compromise :)

Unknown said...

Cool. agree with all rules.
However you are ready to compromise little bit then all these rules will fall in place automatically That's what I feel.