Sunday, October 26, 2008

WhO MaDe ThE RulEs Of KaMaSuTrA(The XXX Bible)

I was cleaning the book rack the other day and found an interestin book dustin since long... which is considered to be "the bibble of sex-"KAMASUTRA" by vatsyayana.. So out of curiousity i juss started reading it n initially found it very useful to some extent "old is gold" ;) but when i went throug it chapter by chapter ... i just realised the "GOLDEN RULES" ,most of them are in favour of the "MAN/GUY" world..... After All who wrote the book ...." MAN". I was reading in one of the chapters about " to be good wife" . there are pages of explainations to be a good wife all i can read through out is how women has to be tolerant and patient through her life for some man in her life. It sounded as if the gratest thing in life is to have a man (huh)!!! Iam sure guys out there would be happy to read all these but i donn accept the "GOLDEN RULES".. that doesn't mean iam feminist ,but i respect each person's individuality . However,there is no different rules for men and women .I juss think we are all human beings!!! so no rule applies to me(women ofcourse) I do agree that when it comes to security , women have some draw backs and some limitations!but that doesnt mean all the women on earth are juss to satisfy and fullfill all the desires n needs of men!!!! Iam sorriieeee guys!!!!! my blood boils when some one talk about" woman & slave" Olden days i do agree that woman were not having that much freedom wht we have today.We are lucky in a way n its not juss luck its about control over our own life.. those days woman r dependent n they didnt have today we donn hve to be some one to make some one happy n follow the "GOLDEN RULES" blindly jus cos they r in the bibble n its our tradition to follow wht the book says ..think " who made the golden rules" before u get into the crapy trap!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Love Actually......(For all those people who are confused about " Love" ;))

Love is a feeling. It’s a feeling of trust, comfort, caring etc.These days falling in Love and fall out of Love has become a fashion. People fall in love and get married before they know what love is and then realise there is no chemistry, no love:P the only option they are left is to fall out of love, after all this they try to be reasonable for all the episodes and name it as “fundamental differences”. On this note, People, before it’s too late... wake up and smell the coffee!!
1) Love is not manipulative: we all try to manipulate people in some way or the other but love is not the weapon to use against!
Rule No 1: Never use “if you love me, you will do this for me “tactics.
2) Love does not hurt.
Rule No 2: Say NO to physical and mental abuses.
3) Love is all about caring!!
Rule No 3: Respect others feelings. Care for each other.
4) Love is not compromising your values. Even though big part of love is putting others happiness ahead of yours.
Rule No 4: Be true to yourself.
5) Love is not always what other person wants you to be...even though it’s all about sacrificing!
Rule No 5: Never scarifies part of YOU.
6) Love is not sex and sex is not Love..
Rule No 6: Never get confused Lust Vs Love.
7) Love Should make you feel happy, secure and appreciated
Rule No 7: Have faith in yourself...

Too many reasons and rules isn’t it? People, even after understanding all these things Love can fade. And often it does! When it fades there is not always a reason for it. So last rule should be DO NOT LET IT REFLECT UPON YOUR VALUES and YOU as a PERSON.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I HaTe ThE WoRlD I LiVe In!!!!

I have gotten so little sleep lately that I may be extremely odd. Anyway, I just have a lot on my mind. Nothing new. :) There's so much floating around in my brain that I sit here at the computer wondering where the heck I should start. Okay, so I guess this will just be another rambling post that has the potential to make no sense. Forgive me if that is the case. first thing coming to mind. Why can't people just say what is on their minds? Why can't they be themselves. I admire those who have the courage and self confidance to be themselves. What is the big deal with people thinking they can't be themselves. Do we think that the way God made us is not sufficient? Probably because others make us feel that way. Am I myself around people? I don't know. I have to step out of a comfort zone-otherwise I would never say anything. I don't suppose that constitutes not being myself though. Other people though...Is everything I know about you just a facade. Once we finally become friends will you completely change? Once I open up to you, will you be a different person? Maybe I am fearing the future much too much. why can't we say what is on our minds? Ah! Why is it a secret? Say something! Do you ever feel like there is more to life? I feel like completely jumping in. Giving it all up. I'm sick of the lukewarm feeling and mediocrity of everything. It surrounds me. I feel like I am at the point where it is time to jump. But unfortunately iam not the " run away" types.

Friday, October 17, 2008


When i had a break up all i used to do is, to think how can i be creative instead of cribbing and crying about the breakup! So i decided to put all the frustrations and depressions on a piece of paper . the following are the result of Creative Writings;)
1) Life
Life is not a season of spring or summer
life is neither heaven or hell
not a puzzle or sundry sadness
life is LIVING and to live is LIFE.
Life is short but long enough to live,
to enjoy the beauty of nature,
to smell the wet land...
Life is mist,like an air.
Like a wind,which comes a strom and melts like an ice..
Life is full of hopes and dreams!

The second one turns to be too depressive...
2) Breaking Up...
There is a beautiful soul inside you
which keeps you gentle and warm..
There is wisdom inside you
which makes you grow,
But there is no ME who would wake you up with a gentle kiss.

There is nothing between us
but turn back and say 'good bye'.
All we can carry with us are sweet memories of lost love.

Saying good bye to you is not easy
breaking up with you is feeling of betrayal...
it aches my bone, my soul...
the pain is all over my body and mind.
its the cronic pain that would never go away.....
Good bye soulmate..!!

First E-Blog(Finally Published!! ;)

I have been thinkin of writing since long ..but some how it never happened..So finally decided to sit and write . Thoughts come and go like rain!!!!!!! some times, its hard to put them into words but i will try to put them together to make some sense.
One of the main objective of bloggin is to share thoughts , its just expressing yourself freely with out any obligations and just to have a different view points to have a broder perspective on how you think differently from others ( i think iam unique;)). Sorry for the crap!(lol), iam not here to explain wht bloggin is all i mentioned its juss a flow of thought which are flowin right now(abt bloggin). So whtever may be the reason when i have freedom to express myself juss i keep doin it.... so im gonaa express express n express widout hesitations... keep checkin my link for flowin thoughts lol ......... :)